Tuesday, May 12, 2009

SketchUp Contest Winners Announced! Frances, Wyeth, and Kyle are first place winners.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Second Graders Celebrate Heritage Night at NES

Second graders have been learning MS PowerPoint to present their research on family heritage. Students write an introductory paragraph about their family heritage followed by information on landmarks, food, sports and games, music, holidays and special events. On April 7th and 8th, teachers, students and families enjoy a pot luck dinner of authentic dishes followed by students sharing their PowerPoint presentations to their families in the NES Media Lab.

Comic Life Popular in NES Media Lab

Check back for information on Comic Life

Student Create Geometric Towns Using Sketchup

Google's Sketchup is spreading like wildfire in the NES Media Lab. With help from Ronan and Emmet Daly, fourth and fifth graders are creating towns, furniture, cars, and more. The NES Computer Club, which meets on Monday afternoon, is sponsoring a Sketchup Contest for NES students. Check out the poster in the front lobby for details and stop any Monday afternoon to see what's up with the Club.